
Organizing Committee

Dr. Joel Myers
Chair, IEEE IoT Global Cities Alliance, Italy
Joel Myers is an IT engineer, entrepreneur and leading international technologist, specialising in the creation and development of innovation technology solutions in Cultural Heritage, Tourism, and Smart Cities, working internationally with state and local governments (Italy, UK, USA and Mexico), universities (including Harvard, UCLA, University of Virginia, Polytecnico di Milano, Universidad de Guadalajara) and industry (including a partnership with Google Inc., Mountainview, CA). His company, HoozAround Corp. (USA) owns and manages a digital platform called IoP (the “Internet of People”) that provides socio-economic recovery for cities, through a micro-currency called HooziesTM. It has been successfully piloted by the Mexican State Government of Jalisco to the 8.2 million people living and working there and its 1000s of small businesses to support the local economy during and post-COVID-19 and restimulate growth. The next municipality to launch the IoP platform is New York City in 2021. One of the end-products of the IoP platform is unique “real-time” urban intelligence that flows in from cities, on the population’s demographics, ongoing business transactions, mobility, health and social community interactions, based on the use of the micro-currency, HooziesTM and AI/ML. Real-time reporting and analytics then offers city leaders and stakeholders an in-depth understanding of the complex and intricate behaviours that makes a city function. Municipalities may closely monitor the effects of their operations and policies, and predict issues in order to avoid them. As Chair of IEEE IoT Initiative for Smart Cities, Joel Myers has been focusing his working group on the redefinition of the digital transformation of urban environments from a truly “People-Centric” focal point. Exploring the goals of the smart city industry movement juxtaposed with the need for humanity to remain connected as physical people. This “People-Centric” approach is leading to a far greater multi-disciplinary approach to collaboration between the technology industry of IEEE IoT and its communication with smart city leaders and stakeholders from: urban planning; infrastructure and engineering; finance and economics; community engagement; cultural heritage and tourism; sociology; law and governance; and so on. This new approach was reflected in the past 2 years of smart city sessions, speakers and panellists at the IEEE World Forum on IoT. Through his leadership of the IEEE IoT Global Cities Alliance (GCA), IEEE has developed a close “ongoing” collaboration and networking, between the Tech Industry and Smart Cities, on a worldwide and regional scale, in order to work together in understanding urban needs and priorities, and sharing and developing projects, results, best practices, and standards to support interoperability. One of the GCA’s core initiatives is the Observatory of Urban Intelligence. A cloud-platform of observable urban data, gathered through crowd-sourcing IEEE’s global network of universities and student branches, building unique models and correlations in understanding cities and the effectiveness of smart city solutions. This project is being developed jointly with the ITU-T under the United Nations’ “United 4 Sustainable Cities” initiative, and the United Cities & Local Governments organization. The second core initiative of the IEEE IoT GCA is promoting existing best practices and standards globally to city leaders, and developing new standards based on priority issues communicated by participating cities themselves. This initiative is run under the IEEE SA Industry Connection programme “Smart Cities Standards and Best Practices”, where IEEE and other standards organisations, like ITU-T, and smart cities work on a common agenda. The work carried out by Joel Myers has been published in international newspapers and journals such as the BBC, New York Times, Hong Times, the Hindu Times, Wired, and Forbes Magazine.
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Prof. Mohamed Essaaidi
Global Chair, IEEE SIGHT | EMSI, Morocco
Mohamed Essaaidi, Prof. Dr. IEEE Senior Member, received the “Licence de Physique” degree, the “Doctorat de Troisième Cycle” degree and the “Doctorat d’Etat” degree in Electrical Engineering and with honors, respectively, in 1988, 1992 and 1997 from Abdelmalek Essaadi University in Tetuan, Morocco. He is a professor of Electrical Engineering in Abdelmalek Essaadi University since 1993. He is the founder and former Chair of the IEEE Morocco Section since November 2004. He is the founder and the General Chair of Mediterranean Microwave Symposium (MMS) since the year 2000, the co-founder and the General Chair of Information and Communication technologies International Symposium (ICTIS) since 2005, and NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Information Security Assurance Co-director, Tetuan, June 3-6, 2005. He is the Chairman of the Scientific Committees of SETIT’07, SETIT’09 (Tunisia) and e-MEDISYS’07 (Morocco) and e-MEDISYS’09 (Tunisia) as well. He was also a member of the Organizing and the Scientific Committees of several international symposia and conferences dealing with topics related with RF, microwaves and Information and Communication technologies and their applications. Furthermore, he is a referee of the IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, Advanced Computational Electromagnetics Society Journal, European Microwave Association Proceedings, Serbian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Korean Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute Journal. Professor Essaaidi is a member of IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, IEEE Communications Society and European Microwave Association. His biography was listed in Who’s Who in The World in 1999. He is also the co-founder and the current coordinator of the Arab Science and Technology Foundation (ASTF) RD&I network on Electrotechology. His research interests focus mainly on RF and microwave passive and active circuits and antennas for wireless communications and medical systems. He was the editor of the MS2000 Proceedings, the co-editor of the MMS’2002, ICTIS’05 and ICTIS’07 Proceedings and MMS’2006 special issue of the European Microwave Association Proceedings. He is the author and co-author of more than 80 papers which appeared in refereed specialized journals and symposia. He was the co-editor of the book “Information Assurance and Computer Security”, IOS Press, 2007. He was also the co-editor of the book “New Trends in Biomedical Engineering”, AEU Publications, 2004 and the author of 3 book chapters. He was a Guest-Editor of special issues of European Microwave Journal (2007), International Journal Of Computer Science Applications (2007,2008) and International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems (2008). He is the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on Information and Communication Technologies (Serials Publications, India) since November 2007.

Prof. Mohamed Bakhouya
Associate Professor, International University of Rabat, Morocco

Prof. Mohamed Bakhouya
Associate Professor, International University of Rabat, Morocco
Dr. Mohamed BAKHOUYA is an associate professor at International University of Rabat. He obtained his HDR from UHA-France in 2013 and his PhD from UTBM-France in 2005. He has more than five years experiences in participating and working in sponsored projects. He was PI of Aalto starting grant at Aalto University-Finland (2011-2013), Co-PI (UTBM side) of two European projects ASSET (Advanced Safety and Driver Support in Efficient Road Transport, FP7-SST, 2008-2011, and TELEFOT (Field Operational Tests of Aftermarket and Nomadic Devises in Vehicles, FP7-ICT, 2008-2012. He spent two years as a research scientist in US at George Washington University, HPC laboratory participating and working in sponsored projects, mainly UPC (Unified Parallel C) and NSF Center of High-performance and REConfigurable Computing. He was also a member (UTBM side) of EU EACEA Erasmus Mundus project TARGET I/II (Transfer of Appropriate Requirements for Global Education and Technology), 2011-2015. He is currently a PI of CASANET project (CNRST, 2015-2017), Co-PI of MIGRID (USAID-PEER program, 2017-2019), PI of HELECAR (PSA OpenLAB@Maroc, 2017-2019), Co-PI of SELFSERV (VLIR-UOS, 2016-2018), and Co-PI of AFRIKATATERRE (Solar Dechatlon AFRICA, 2017-2019). He was a reviewer of research project for Agence Nationale de la Recherche, (France, 2011), Ministero dell' Istruzione, dell' Università e della Ricerca (Italy, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017), and for European Commission-FP7 (2013-2015). He was EiC of IJARAS journal and also serves as a guest editor of a number of international journals, ACM Trans. on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Product Development Journal, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, FGCS, and MICRO. He has published more than 100 papers in international journals, books, and conferences. He has co-authored a book on Geopositioning and Mobility. His research interests include various aspects related to the design and implementation of distributed and complex systems using Big data and CEP techniques.

Dr. Tiziana Tambosso
Conference Coordination Committee Chair, IEEE Region 8
Tiziana Tambosso is a consultant responsible for managing projects and organizing conferences and schools. She is also a Technical Expert for European Commission, H2020-SME Instrument Program, and Horizon Europe (2021 – 2027) Program.
Her main fields of technical interests are: Optoelectronics (photovoltaic systems technologies and design, LED technologies and design, fiber optic sensors, laser and optoelectronics instrumentation) and ICT (wireless sensors networks, Internet of Things, radio over fiber (ROF), and technologies for millimeter waves generation and detection, networks, transmission systems, and fiber optic components).
Tambosso was co-founder of Tambosso and Associates (2006 – 2018) carrying out projects, technical studies, and market analysis for small and medium companies.
She was a Visiting Professor (2013 – 2014) at Da Yeh University, Dacun, Taiwan, teaching master courses on Green Photonics and Laser Instrumentation. She taught short courses, holding lectures and conferences in 2006 – 2012 at Italian and foreign universities.
Tiziana’s roles include Head of Research Group and Project Manager at CSELT-TILAB (1993 – 2005), Head of Fiber Optic Devices Group at SIRTI, R&D (1989 – 1993), Designer of Integrated Circuits at SGS Microelectronics (now ST Microelectronics) (1983 – 1985).
She is the author of about 80 journals and conference papers and holds twelve patents.
From 1993 to 1997, she acted as Secretary and from 1996 to 1997, Vice-Chair of the IEC-SC86B International Standardization Committee.
For IEEE, she has been a volunteer since 1998; serving in different roles among them: IEEE Photonics Society Italy Chapter Secretary, Treasurer, and Chair (2002 – 2012), Italy Section (more than 5000 members) Vice-Chair, Chair (Sept. 2016 – Jan. 2019), and Past-Chair, for the Italy Section: Awards & Recognitions Committee Coordinator, N&A Committee Chair, Chapter Activity Coordinator, Electronic Communication Coordinator, Program Committee Chair, Entrepreneurship Committee Coordinator). For R8, she contributed to the following subcommittees: Chapter Coordination, Action for Industry, Conference, and N&A). For the IEEE Photonics Society Membership Council, she was AVP for Global Strategy. She is a member of the IEEE N&A Committee and IEEE MGA N&A Committee. She acted as TPC Chair, Steering Committee Chair, General Chair, or Co-Chair for many IEEE Conferences: General Co-Chair of RTSI (2017 – 2018) and MELECON (2020 and 2022), to name a few.
Tiziana Tambosso, (M’94, SM’02) received the Laurea Degree with Honors in Electronic Engineering and a Ph.D. in Optoelectronics from the University of Pavia, Italy, in 1983 and 1988, respectively.

Dr. Victor Larios
Full Professor-Researcher, Universidad de Guadalajara
Victor M. Larios has received his PhD and a DEA (French version of a MS program) in Computer Science at the Technological University of Compiègne, France and a BA in Electronics Engineering at the ITESO University in Guadalajara, Mexico. He works at the University of Guadalajara (UDG) holding a Full Professor-Researcher position at the Department of Information Systems and he is the director of the Smart Cities Innovation Center at CUCEA UDG Campus. Besides, Dr. Victor M. Larios is the founder of the UDG PhD in Information Technologies in 2007, and has been leading projects in Guadalajara between academy, government and high tech industry as IBM, Intel and HP focusing his research to distributed systems, parallel computing, data analytics and visualization, serious games and smart cities. During the year of 2013, Dr. Victor M. Larios was a consultor and elected the Director of Science and Technology for the Guadalajara Ciudad Creativa Digital A.C. project. Since July 2013, Dr. Victor M. Larios as volunteer, is the Guadalajara City Local Leader for the IEEE Smart Cities Initiative. In addition, Dr. Victor M. Larios is an IEEE Senior member with a valued membership of 22 years and as is the current secretary of the IEEE Computer Chapter at the Guadalajara Section.

Dr. Adam Drobot
"Advisor, IEEE World Forum IoT | Chairman of the Board, OpenTechWorks "
Dr. Adam T. Drobot is a technologist with over forty years of experience in industry, the public sector, and in research. Today his activities include strategic consulting, start-ups, and participation in industry associations and government advisory bodies. He is the Chairman of the Board of OpenTechWorks, Inc. a company specializing in open source software. Previously he was the Managing Director and CTO of 2M Companies in Dallas, TX, from 2010-2012, and President of the Applied Research and Government Business Units at Telcordia Technologies and the company’s CTO from 2002 to 2010. Prior to that, Adam managed the Advanced Technology Group at Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). He also served as the Senior Vice President for Science and Technology as part of his 27 years of service at SAIC from 1975 to 2002.
He has published more than 100 journal articles, and is a frequent contributor to industry literature. He currently holds 26 patents. Adam is a member of Several Corporate Boards, and the FCC Technology Advisory Council. He is on the Board of the Telecommunications Industry Association where he has Chaired the TIA Technology Committee. He is the 2007 recipient of IEEE’s Managerial Excellence Award. For the IEEE he has Chaired IEEE Employee Benefits and Compensation Committee, the IEEE Awards Recognition Council, served as a member of the IEEE Awards Board. During 2017 and 2018 he chaired the IEEE IoT Activities Board that oversees the multi-society IEEE IoT Initiative. He holds a BS in Engineering Physics from Cornell University and a PhD. in Plasma Physics from the University of Texas.

Dr. Leian Chen
Applied Scientist, Amazon Inc., USA

Dr. Leian Chen
Applied Scientist, Amazon Inc., USA
Leian Chen is an applied scientist at Inc. She holds a B.Eng. degree in communication engineering from Fudan University, China, and a Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Columbia University, USA.
With research expertise ranging from statistical signal processing and stochastic control to machine learning, Leian is interested in addressing industrial challenges, such as in the areas of Internet of Things, smart grids and communication systems. Leian’s work, titled "Quickest Fault Detection in Photovoltaic Systems," was recognized as one of twenty-two cutting-edge approaches worldwide in the International Energy Agency's technical report, "The Use of Advanced Algorithms in PV Failure Monitoring," published in 2021.
Smart cities summit forum lead

Eng. Ahmed Abo El-Magd
Smart cities summit forum lead
Marketing Executive

Amira Gharib
Marketing Executive
Logistics Team lead

Eng. Wasien A. Elabd
Logistics Team lead

Eng. Akram Salah
Art Director, GIE Company, UAE